Example sentences for: phase-contrast

How can you use “phase-contrast” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Their daily progress was assessed by phase-contrast microscopy.

  • Despite infecting the polarized monolayers at relatively high multiplicity of infection (MOI) with wild-type L. monocytogenes strain 10403S, we were not able to detect any intracellular bacteria by either phase-contrast or fluorescence microscopy.

  • 1D) were characterized by increased optical density compared with uncrushed tissue when viewed with phase-contrast optics.

  • The total number of accumulated cells was determined from videotape at each min for 10 min by analysis of 8-10 random fields (20X phase-contrast objective).

  • prfA mutant bacteria could still be seen associated with cells by phase-contrast microscopy at 4 hours post-infection (Figure 1d), albeit at much lower levels than wild-type or actA bacteria as they were no longer replicating.

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