Example sentences for: pet-

How can you use “pet-” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The expression vector pET-28a and E. coli expression strain BL21 (DE3) were obtained from Novagen.

  • The (His) 6 -tagged PfPP1 expressed from pET-15b-PfPP1 was purified through Ni +2-chelation chromatography [ 14 ] as described by the manufacturer (Novagen), with 1 mM MnCl 2 being present in all the buffers.

  • 3, a protein band of approximately 37,000 Mr was produced from the pET-15b-PfPP1 clone, which is in agreement with the predicted molecular weight of 34,904 of PfPP1 and roughly another 2,000 added for the (His) 6 region of pET-15b (Novagen: Madison, WI).

  • After digestion with Nde I and BamH I the coding sequence was subcloned to the vector pET-11a (Stratagene) for gene expression experiments.

  • The recombinant protein was expressed from pET-15b clone and purified by Ni-chelation chromatography (Fig.

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