Example sentences for: persistence

How can you use “persistence” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • One of the reasons for Russian persistence, says the paper, is that the Russian military is trying to reverse the fumbling image it picked up from the 1994-95 attempt to best the Chechens.

  • The expression in skeletal myocytes observed in the reported experiments could represent persistence of the EGFP-F reporter protein past the time of downregulation of transcription in myocytes.

  • Although effective L-tryptophan starvation may resolve an acute infection, a more modulated degree of starvation for L-tryptophan is thought to be intimately involved in the phenomenon of persistence [ 12].

  • The persistence of hypercalcemia with diarrhea prompted a nuclear medicine scan with 1.5 mCi of 111indium pentetreotide to pursue a possible paraneoplastic process [ 5 ] which showed uptake in the right orbital region.

  • NRC-1 [ 31], but not in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptomyces coelicolor or Streptococcus pneumoniae .) The occurrence of GshA homologs in these organisms could reflect persistence of an ancestral GshA in only some genera in the Archaea and in the Gram-positive bacteria, or could be the result of lateral transfer into a limited number of organisms.

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