Example sentences for: permutation

How can you use “permutation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Their method, which they call the “space–time permutation scan statistic,” is an extension of a method called scan statistic.

  • These genes had a test value above the 95% percentile of the permutation distribution of the related test statistic.

  • For each permutation b , p values were calculated and ordered in the way of

  • The estimated FDR is computed from permutation of the data and allows for the possibility of dependent tests [ 3 ] . We derived a set of 73 significant genes using SAM, out of which 13 were false positives, giving rise to a FDR of 18%.

  • Both the LRAT-like and the YaeF/Poxvirus G6R families are unified by the circular permutation that occurs at essentially the same point in both these families.

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