Example sentences for: permitting

How can you use “permitting” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • APHIS rejected the first alternative because it believed scientific evidence permitted importation of beef from Argentina under certain conditions and not permitting such importation would be contrary to trade agreements entered into by the United States.

  • It was then but a small step to the space warp, permitting faster-than-light (FTL to SF pros) travel by straight-line shortcutting across the curves of space.

  • Winters are milder and sunnier on the Pacific coast, permitting a welcome double crop of the all-important staple — rice.

  • Bin Ladin shares Qutb's stark view, permitting him and his followers to rationalize even unprovoked mass murder as righteous defense of an embattled faith.

  • Indeed, Congress crafted the provision in IRCA permitting H-2A representation to be consistent with the language in the LSC appropriations act.

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