Example sentences for: peel

How can you use “peel” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Hunting for live prey is still an important part of country life, but less popular than in John Peel’s day (see page 64).

  • Whereas among those who did report citrus peel use, 74.

  • Their voices went unheeded by the likes of Peel, Russell, and Trevelyan, and the ideology of laissez-faire political economy meshed with anti-Irish bigotry to produce catastrophic results for the Irish poor.

  • If you're in the market, Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle will teach you how to 1) kill with a bayonet (thrust deep under ribs, drag in slow, deep circle to scramble organs); 2) skin a man alive (slit skin at shoulder, peel slowly down right arm); and 3) eliminate a zoo full of carnivores (four snipers per tiger best).

  • Only tanning ability, history of AK, number of current freckles on the arms, citrus peel use and hot black tea consumption showed a significant difference between cases and controls.

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