Example sentences for: peeled

How can you use “peeled” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Examination of the peeled and split lens nuclei by SEM revealed an ideal and reproducible dissection procedure for the exposure of FN and EN fibers along their length near the mid-sagittal plane.

  • As you walk along, keep your eyes peeled for unusual hand-painted shop signs, the fretwork of Gothic windows, and dusty treasures in the antiques shop windows.

  • If peeled from a map, the peninsula would neatly cover my old home state of Connecticut like a wet green stamp.

  • After a mid-sagittal cut, the entire cortical tissue was peeled off and separated from the hippocampus and underlying diencephalon.

  • This heading has layers of meaning that can be peeled off like the skins of an onion.

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