Example sentences for: pea

How can you use “pea” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • There stands a young man wearing a black stocking cap, a navy pea coat, and a grim expression.

  • He puts his hand in the pocket of his pea coat.

  • Some years ago, when sportscaster Red Barber used Southern expressions like sitting in the catbird seat and tearing up the pea patch , there was a degree of national amusement.

  • Identifying what this change is, and what, if anything, it has to do with katatrepsis, will be key to understanding how the pea aphid controls development during diapause.

  • Orthologs of Arabidopsis flowering genes have been identified in several other species, including pea and snapdragon [ 3 ] , rice [ 4 ] , maize [ 5 ] , pine [ 6 ] and ryegrass [ 7 ] . In addition, transformation of one plant species with constructs resulting in the over-expression of flowering genes from another plant species resulted in effects on flowering dynamics [ 3 7 8 ] . This indicates that the function of several flowering genes is conserved between plant species.

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