Example sentences for: paralogous

How can you use “paralogous” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Members of a gene family that share a common ancestor as a result of a duplication event are denoted as being paralogous, distinguishing them from orthologous genes in different genomes, which share a common ancestor as a result of a speciation event.

  • This contrasts with observations of miRNAs in vertebrates, where the majority of known miRNAs are members of paralogous gene sets [ 31 ] . The most extreme examples of this disparity are let-7 and mir-29 , which are present in single copies in Drosophila , but are represented by thirteen and six distinct human homologs, respectively.

  • This prediction is not supported by linear least-square regressions, which fail to detect any substantial differences in the correlation between K s and codon bias in paralogous versus orthologous genes (data not shown), suggesting that the observation of a higher K n /K s ratio in paralogous genes cannot be explained by an underestimate of synonymous divergence in paralogs.

  • Multiple paralogous proteins with N1pC/P60 catalytic domains are present in most bacteria, suggesting that the N1pC/P60 family is a peptidase family with a widespread role in the dynamics of the bacterial cell wall.

  • In addition to orthologous matches, groups of paralogous proteins of E. coli K-12 were generated on the basis of the DARWIN results.

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