Example sentences for: overlap

How can you use “overlap” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Although estranged from Rome for hundreds of years, these tradition-rich churches long have fascinated John Paul II, who comes from a part of the world where Latin and Byzantine Christianity overlap.

  • This association question is evaluated using boundary overlap analysis.

  • Typically, multiple absorbers will be installed sequentially with some overlap to conserve and schedule continuous use of labor, as well as keep associated installation costs down.

  • In six of these cases, the location, coding potential/identity and pattern of the overlap with the antisense RNA species is highly consistent between the mouse and human candidates, supporting the argument for functional relevance of these overlaps.

  • The diagnosis of HF is generally made on the basis of signs and symptoms that may overlap with those of other cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies.

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