Example sentences for: overkill

How can you use “overkill” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Mild criticisms come from Capitol Gang 's Robert Novak, who says Kennedy was a "celebrity, not a public figure," and from Late Edition 's Tucker Carlson, who says media overkill has given the story a cynical edge.

  • And then there will be the McDonald's Harry Potter Magic Happy Meals, the CD-ROMS, the cut-rate knock-offs, and the other excrescences of kid-culture overkill.

  • Pundit-turned-presidential-spinner Sidney Blumenthal, who testified before Kenneth Starr's grand jury, is Issue 1. Calling the Blumenthal subpoena prosecutorial overkill, the commentariat diagnoses Starr as having a chronic case of political "tin ear," and gives the week to President Clinton.

  • There's some pretty efficient limning of the historical context, but some linguistic and reporting overkill too.

  • One of the key causes of press overkill of the sort we're now witnessing in l'affaire Lewinsky is the papers' tendencies to do stories about anything that has to do with Topic A, even if it would otherwise merit virtually no news play.

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