Example sentences for: overfitting

How can you use “overfitting” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As discussed in the section on overfitting, this motivates splitting the data into two random samples, training and test, and using the regions from the training sample to compute the definitive ROC curve based on data in the test sample.

  • Overfitting of a larger number of markers to a relatively small number of subjects produces a model that is overly sensitive to chance fluctuations in the data.

  • Regardless of the method used to adjust for overfitting in forming a classification rule, to obtain the most reliable FPR and TPR measurements, the classification rule should ideally be evaluated in a validation sample from a different study, as in Baker [ 16 ] .

  • However with many combinations of markers, overfitting could invalidate results.

  • With a single marker and a large number of subjects, there is usually no concern with overfitting.

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