Example sentences for: osteosclerosis

How can you use “osteosclerosis” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the estrogen-treated mouse model used in the studies reported here, natural killer (NK) cells, which rely upon an intact bone marrow for full marrow maturation, are arrested in a nonlytic state [ 7]; since marrow space is lessened due to the osteosclerosis, the spleen provides the source for T and B cells and macrophages.

  • The ultrastructural alterations identified in estrogen-treated mice were very likely the cellular functional basis for the decreased resorption and development of osteosclerosis in estrogen-treated mice.

  • Development of osteosclerosis and the disappearance of the marrow space in these estrogen-treated mice is an interesting and useful model since marrow stromal cells not only contain the precursors for osteogenic cell lineages, but they also exert important effects on osteoclastogenesis and lymphopoiesis, and modulate the effects of some systemic factors of bone turnover.

  • Radiographic examination of excised specimens from control and estradiol-treated mice confirmed the presence of osteosclerosis in the femurs of estradiol-treated mice.

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