Example sentences for: orphanage

How can you use “orphanage” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Behind the Begijnhof is the old Convent of St. Lucian, which became the city orphanage after the Alteration, although it was only open to well-to-do orphans; the poor had to fend for themselves.

  • Some quality control problems noted at the WP : 1) A story about trials of an experimental anti-autism drug is slugged by the paper "Treatment Counters Autism" even though the story goes on to explain that the drug worked no better in the studies than placebos given to the control group; 2) an AP story the paper runs about a credit card scam targeting senior military officers fails to mention that the Wall Street Journal broke the news yesterday; 3) over a heart-wrenching story about a 9-year-old boy who concealed the accidental death of his mother for a month, leaving her body in their home because he was afraid of being sent to an orphanage, the Post goes with the bad taste headline of the year, century, and millennium: "MOTHER DIED, BUT BOY, 9, KEPT MUM."

  • Tiny details, such as the relief above the Kalverstraat entrance which asks people to support the upkeep of the orphanage, also point to the museum’s original purpose.

  • As Scott Shuger wrote, it was a "heart-wrenching story about a 9-year-old boy who concealed the accidental death of his mother for a month, leaving her body in their home because he was afraid of being sent to an orphanage, the Post goes with the bad taste headline of the year, century and millennium: "Mother Died, but Boy, 9, Kept Mum."

  • Opposite the modern art gallery is the Dean Gallery, occupying a fine Victorian mansion that was once an orphanage.

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