Example sentences for: orp

How can you use “orp” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • These may be binding sites for the S. pombe Origin Recognition Complex (ORC), whose fourth largest subunit (Orp4) contains a multiple AT-hook domain, which permits it to bind with high affinity to DNA containing runs of adenines or thymines in one strand [ 14, 15].

  • requires a peroxidase denoted Gpx3 or Orp1 (Delaunay et al.

  • In this case, H 2 O 2 reacts with a cysteine in Orp1, forming an unstable sulfenic acid intermediate that then reacts with a cysteinyl residue of Yap1 to form an intermolecular disulfide.

  • In fact, the largest subunit of S. pombe ORC (Orp1) has been mapped by chromatin immunoprecipitation to ars3002 and also to ars2004 , which, like ars3002 , contains multiple asymmetric A+T-rich stretches [ 16, 17].

  • Of the spots submitted, a subset matched known chaperones/HSP proteins; these are HSP70, HSP90α, GRP78, GRP94, Calreticulin, Calnexin, PDI, and ORP150, as indicated by labelled arrows in Fig.

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