Example sentences for: originator

How can you use “originator” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • On the lake’s west shore, the people of Salò (where Gaspare Bertolotti is regarded as the originator of the violin) suggest that his design was inspired by the contours of the lake.

  • I confess with embarrassment that I didn't do my homework: that is, I didn't go to the Core's Web site to see just how Bennett's lists are treated by the originator himself, E.D.

  • Krugman's complaint is that the popular press--including Complexity and The New Yorker --is now hailing Brian Arthur as the originator of increasing returns, even though Krugman and many others had worked on the idea long before Arthur did.

  • A detainee says that 9/11 hijacker Khalid al Mihdhar told him about the maritime operation sometime in late 1999 and credited Nashiri as its originator.

  • Paul Cameron, originator of the statistic (publicized by virtue expert William Bennett) that gay males have an average life expectancy of 43 years, defends and explains his calculation in response to a Slate article by Walter Olson debunking it.

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