Example sentences for: originating

How can you use “originating” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Similarly, probes originating from the IME (606) and mixed adult tissue (707 + 945) libraries showed only a small fraction of organ-specific expression elements (Table 1).

  • These results were reproducible from cultures grown independently but originating from the same master seed.

  • To emerge as human pathogens, new strains of ARB must (1) evolve, originating from mutations or gene transfer; (2) spread, usually horizontally among humans or animals, but occasionally heterospecifically; and (3) cause disease.

  • Generally, elevators originating in the lobby ran to "sky lobbies" on higher floors, where additional elevators carried passengers to the tops of the buildings.

  • The test was later modified for use in the assessment of receiving waters and the effects of wastes originating from industrial, municipal, and agricultural point and non-point sources (USEPA, 1978a).

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