Example sentences for: originated

How can you use “originated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In reply to Milton Horowitz [XVIII, 2], gedunk originated in Harold Teen, a comic strip of the twenties, by Carl Ed, replete with cutie-pie flappers, porkpie hats, bellbottom slacks, and epigraphic yellow slickers and jalopies.

  • The earliest signs of people on Jamaica are the remains of the Arawak, an Amerindian society that originated on the north coast of South America.

  • This ancient sport originated more than 15 centuries ago in Shinto ceremonies.

  • The L42 tumour is a bronchial squamous carcinoma that originated in a Wag/Rij rat after intrapulmonary implantation of an iodine-125 seed [ 38 ] . L44 adenocarcinoma was induced in Brown Norway rats by local irradiation of the thorax [ 39 ] . Both tumours are also adapted to cell culture and give rise to tumours with the same histological characteristics as the original tumours.

  • The popular image of a Mexican with a large sombrero sleeping under a cactus very likely originated from these early writings of traveling Americans, with the result that the icon has become imprinted forever upon the collective character of Chicanos and Mexicans.

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