Example sentences for: odette

How can you use “odette” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It also took the stars out of their characters--Siegfried out of his soul-sickness, Odette out of her heartbreak, and Odile out of her seductiveness.

  • Fonteyn portrayed clearly in her facial expressions and arm movements the contrasting characters of Odette and Odile.

  • In Swann's Way , Marcel Proust compared the little phrase of the composer Vinteuil, the "national anthem" of Swann's love for Odette, to one of "those interiors by Pieter de Hooch which are deepened by the narrow frame of a half-opened door, in the far distance, of a different color, velvety with the radiance of some intervening light."

  • 6. “[Odette] lives in Walton-on-Thames with Geoffrey [Hallowes], a tall, courteous gentlemen retired from the wine business who seems content to write her letters, listen while she tells her stories, feed one's parking meter, and altogether to be as attentive as a wife could wish.

  • [Odette] lives in Walton-on-Thames with Geoffrey [Hallowes], a tall, courteous gentlemen retired from the wine business who seems content to write her letters, listen while she tells her stories, feed one's parking meter, and altogether to be as attentive as a wife could wish.

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