Example sentences for: odets

How can you use “odets” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The names included Odets, who subsequently named names himself, and several actors since forgotten, in part, perhaps, because they were blacklisted.

  • After all, Odets gave HUAC the same names, as did Lewis Leverett, another Group Theater alumnus whom Kazan named.

  • A synopsis: In the 1930s, Kazan got his start in the Group Theater, a left-wing theater troupe that was home to the legendary directors Lee Strasberg and Harold Clurman, as well as the radical playwright Clifford Odets.

  • Beatty's press interviews--filled with wonderful anecdotes about Clifford Odets, Huey Newton, and Ronald Reagan--have been more entertaining than a lot of the movie, much of which is Beatty rapping, and rapping badly.

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