Example sentences for: odessa

How can you use “odessa” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Bronstein, perhaps out of a Jewish sense of irony, provided the exception to prove the rule by borrowing the surname of an Odessa jailer, Trotsky.

  • As for gun moll , there was no phrase in the Warsaw or Odessa underworlds like “gonif molly.”

  • And sometimes ironically or defiantly people will call themselves by names intended to be pejorative or downright insulting, as when African Americans call each other nigger or Jews of Odessa call one of their folk heroes Poltorazhida `Yid-and-a-half.

  • It was called "Odessa," by the way, and it wasn't half bad."

  • One is headed by David Johnson of Odessa, Texas.

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