Example sentences for: mention

How can you use “mention” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The anthrax stories all mention the official Pentagon explanation that such countries as Iraq, Iran, and Libya have stockpiled anthrax weapons and that the toxin is considered a rising terrorist threat.

  • If you believe that, you probably believe it was also just a coincidence that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo's press release promoting a fairly dry national study of the homeless happened to mention an advocacy group's estimate that "in New York City in 1998 it cost $40,000 per year to jail someone, compared with just $12,500 to provide affordable housing and a variety of supportive services."

  • And now that you mention it, you're quite right: It is a travesty.

  • They also all mention that Clinton has not yet replied to the 81 questions submitted to him by Judiciary chairman Hyde, pleading lack of time given the Iraq crisis, but it's the WP that mentions in this connection that Clinton played golf on Monday.

  • Thus, visitors can find on display a swatch of diseased colon removed from a Union soldier plagued by terminal diarrhea, and pieces of John Wilkes Booth's vertebrae, not to mention such miscellany as Siamese twins in a jar and a Peruvian mummy.

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