Example sentences for: mentec

How can you use “mentec” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Although Mentec and colleagues [ 13 ] demonstrated some degree of upper digestive intolerance in 79% of nasogastrically fed patients, only 4.5% were unable to tolerate continuation of gastric feeding.

  • Although the study by Heyland and colleagues [ 9 ] suggests that gastrically fed patients may have a higher incidence of aspiration than those receiving post-pyloric feeding, other investigators have not replicated these findings [ 10 ] . In addition, many critically ill, injured, and postoperative patients have gastroparesis, which may limit their ability to tolerate gastric feeding [ 11 12 ] . Indeed, Mentec and colleagues [ 13 ] demonstrated that 79% of gastrically fed patients in a mixed medical/surgical ICU exhibited some degree of upper digestive intolerance caused by impaired gastric emptying.

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