Example sentences for: mentality

How can you use “mentality” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Because of its combat mentality, Heritage has never been a place with very high standards.

  • Rising above his careerist mentality, Morris now spends more time in the studios of our second-tier TV networks than William Ginsburg.

  • If you want to know why so many people come to stock picking with a trader's, rather than an investor's, mentality, one reason is that Wall Street analysts so often seem governed by the very same mentality.

  • That acknowledgment having been made, I find myself continually irritated by their cavalier dismissal of everything that human beings developed in the course of history: it reflects an adolescent mentality that is scornful of anything that might have taken place before these parvenu geniuses put finger to keyboard.

  • Spain was admitted to the United Nations in 1955, opening the gates to an overwhelming tourist invasion, which would have profound effects on both the economy and national mentality.

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