Example sentences for: drink

How can you use “drink” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • No modernista apartment buildings, no hallowed Gothic shrines in this shirt-sleeve community of people who catch fish, cook and serve them, eat and drink heartily, and yell back and forth at each other across neighborly streets.

  • Emily Watson suffers prettily, but whatever she's thinking stays in her head, and Robert Carlyle is so mopily present that you don't have a clue why such an earnest fellow would drink so many lives away.

  • Apparently man can be cured of drugs, drink, gambling, biting his nails, and picking his nose, but not of making lists.

  • Passenger ships like the Natchez and the Belle of Memphis were palaces with food, drink, music, and romance, at a time when even short journeys could take many days.

  • Every district has its own small squares with cafés, where people gather for a drink or meal — and Athenians love to eat out.

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