Example sentences for: drilling

How can you use “drilling” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While 70 percent of Americans consistently tell pollsters they oppose extending oil and gas drilling and other development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 70 percent of Alaskans favor it.

  • The WP has Clinton advisor Paul Begala's reaction to House Majority Leader Dick Armey's comment that if he were facing the same sexual misconduct charges as Clinton, he would resign: "If goofy ideas ever go up to $40 a barrel, I'd like to have the drilling rights to Dick Armey's head."

  • The merged company would be particularly vulnerable to anti-trust charges in its retailing and marketing operations, says the NYT , as opposed to the more competitive exploration and drilling arenas.

  • On alt.politics, for example, a couple of dozen folks spent several days drilling down on Bill Bradley's health-care proposal.

  • The Inupiat Inuit, who hunt whale, seal, and fish, favor development on the coastal plain--but not offshore continental shelf drilling.

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