Example sentences for: downplaying

How can you use “downplaying” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • More important, the mainstream groups are downplaying what Pollard did.

  • Microsoft execs in general are well-known for downplaying the company's future prospects.

  • Is The Post downplaying the Times scoop or did the NYT overplay its hand?

  • The chief economist of the World Bank's East Asian desk authored a 1993 book downplaying the presence of industrial policy in the region, while a concluded that "rapid growth in each economy was primarily due to the application of a set of common, market-friendly economic policies."

  • Several shows react to the recent abortion fudges by John McCain and George W. Bush--in which both candidates assert their pro-life bona fides while downplaying the importance of the issue.

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