Example sentences for: dok

How can you use “dok” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The second class of phosphotyrosine dependent adaptors exemplified by proteins such as Cas, Dok, IRS-1 and 2 or Slp-76, as cytosolic adaptors, or LAT, TRIM or SIT as membrane anchored adaptors, also require the activation of upstream signals by tyrosine kinases for their function.

  • Adaptor proteins that regulate tyrosine kinase signaling pathways fall into two major categories, those primarily with protein/protein interaction domains such as SH2, SH3, PTB, and PH domains, exemplified by the adaptor proteins c-crk, nck and grb-2, and those that are primarily tyrosine phosphorylated, exemplified by proteins such as Cas, Dok, IRS-1 and 2, Slp-76, LAT, TRIM or SIT.

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