Example sentences for: doing

How can you use “doing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • By doing cluster analysis on this data, they were able to diagnose 96 donors with an accuracy of 93% for this specific lymphoma; they were not able to predict which individual patients would survive to the end of the long-term study.

  • The spins: 1) What is in vitro fertilization doing to our concept of parenthood?

  • The NYT also reveals that one of the attorneys Gore has hired to help with his mounting problems is doing the work pro bono.

  • It had a humorous quotient to it, there was something disarming about it, but just think of anyone else doing it and you realize just how fatuous it was.

  • But, except in the highly attenuated sense that Saunders was boosting the ratings of radio stations that were playing LaVerne Baker and Little Richard and the Cadillacs and the Coasters, she wasn't really putting money into these groups' pockets (or, as was more often the case, these groups' record labels' pockets)--as she would have been doing had she bought their records after hearing them on the radio.

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