Example sentences for: docking

How can you use “docking” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This is not surprising since the ITAMs in CD79, which are proposed to be docking sites for Syk, are unlikely to be phosphorylated in the absence of BCR stimulation since phosphorylation of these residues likely requires activation of Src family tyrosine kinases expressed in B cells.

  • This is also the section of town where the Terminal Marítima (Marine Terminal) is located, docking point for cruise ships as well as the numerous excursion boats.

  • Amino acid substitutions in the N(T)KxD motif cause a drastic reduction in the affinity of Ras-related GTPases for guanine nucleotides [ 35 36 ] . When overexpressed in cultured cells, these mutant GTPases function as dominant-suppressors of their endogenous counterparts [ 26 27 31 ] , presumably because they can compete for interaction with effectors, exchange factors or docking proteins, but cannot cycle on and off membranes in a nucleotide-dependent manner.

  • All these correlations represent a significant improvement over the protein-rigid docking results.

  • The second possible mechanism is via "docking and delivery".

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