Example sentences for: docked

How can you use “docked” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Each docking experiment was derived from 100 different runs that was set to terminate after a maximum of 1,500,000 energy evaluations or 27,000 generations, yielding 100 docked conformations.

  • Recently, Sixma and colleagues have determined the first high-resolution structure of a soluble acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP), extracted from snail neurons, and homologous to the ligand binding domain of nAChR [ 6 ] . Based on this high-resolution crystal structure, we have built an atomic model of the agonist binding site of nAChR, and docked acetylcholine and nicotine to different receptor isotypes.

  • To address further the specificity of this ligand candidate, we docked it, as previously described, to the other three nAChRs subtypes studied in this work, as well as to the crystal structure of AChBP, and calculated the corresponding binding energies (Table 1bottom).

  • Mir's crew was docked pay for its incompetence.

  • The ligands adopted similar conformation as docked to alpha4-beta2.

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