Example sentences for: dockside

How can you use “dockside” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They were billeted in ships brought over from Britain, which were then tied up at dockside.

  • It will take you to the dockside, lined with simple restaurants, one after the other, all serving an abundance of delicious, smoky sardines (and other fresh-caught fish).

  • Old Danish warehouses along the dockside have been transformed in recent years, creating Havensight Shopping Mall.

  • The hectic operations of the fishing industry used to take place here right under the noses of vacationers, with a frenetic “bucket-brigade” hauling wicker baskets of fresh fish up from the boat holds to ice trays and waiting trucks, right next to dockside dining tables.

  • However, the most delightful way to get here is on the small ferryboat, El Adriano, which plies its way between the center of Cádiz and the dockside in El Puerto.

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