Example sentences for: distributors

How can you use “distributors” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Los Angeles Times goes with the latest changes in the operations of the Colombian drug cartels, which nowadays do business with the Russian mafia, and avoid giving a big cut to Mexican distributors by relying more on "mules" coming directly to the U.S. and less on Mexican ships.

  • Because Compaq, like other personal computer manufacturers, provides its distributors price guarantees on purchased inventories (i.e.

  • On the other hand, that error comes in handy when I receive junk mail, for I now know who is selling my name to the distributors of such mail.

  • In 1997, Compaq Computer, the world’s largest producer of personal computers, announced a plan to change relations with its distributors.

  • The group will file suits against handgun makers, importers, and distributors to force gun companies to market their products more carefully.

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