Example sentences for: distributed

How can you use “distributed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Most studies have shown a small number of widely distributed brain areas that must be orchestrated to carry out a cognitive task.

  • In agreement with our finding, it has been reported that primary cultured macrophages and precursor macrophage cell lines mainly express Ang-2 mRNA [ 23 ] . In contrast to Ang-1, Ang-2 was distributed in a similar pattern in RA and OA compared to normal synovial tissues (Fig.

  • To determine how many ARVs should be allocated to each HCF, we first calculate how a given supply of ARVs will be distributed from each HCF to the surrounding communities in the catchment region.

  • Increases and decreases were randomly distributed across probe sets with different levels of expression.

  • No one in official circles questioned the way the fruits of growth were distributed or the extreme corruption and environmental devastation that it generated.

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