Example sentences for: discrepancies

How can you use “discrepancies” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The construction phase is considered complete when the owner accepts occupancy of the facility, although final completion of construction may continue for months (or even years) until all discrepancies have been identified, resolved, and mutually agreed upon.

  • These discrepancies in results may be partly explained by differences in study designs across studies (i.e.

  • If the edits did not uncover any discrepancies, the voucher would be approved for payment.

  • The supervisor should promptly resolve such discrepancies.

  • Other discrepancies are placement of the three Streptococcus sequences (Low GC Gram-positive Bacteria) with the Actinobacteria and the placement of Aquifex aeolicus (basal in the 16S rRNA-defined bacterial clade) and F. nucleatum within the Low GC Gram-positives (Figures 2and 3).

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