Example sentences for: discrediting

How can you use “discrediting” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It's not so different from the old way of discrediting evidence of black poverty or segregation by saying, "look, blacks in Cadillacs."

  • During the 1992 campaign, when Gennifer Flowers first brought Clinton's philandering to public attention, Stephanopoulos--as Clinton's chief spinner, distracter, and all-around bullshit artist--played a crucial role in discrediting Flowers and anyone else who tried to point out the truth, namely that Clinton had a disturbing zipper problem.

  • 2) We're delighted that these school shootings are discrediting the National Rifle Association.

  • He calls Eastwood "one of the great ironists of the age" and a "postmodern" hero: "Clint's gift," he writes, forever on a first-name basis with his subject, "is to let us see the dark comedy in the American male's contorting, distorting attempts to achieve his masteries of the moment while at the same time not entirely discrediting the tradition that makes him bid that effort."

  • In fact, many manufacturers use this kind of wording as a polite way of discrediting their rivals.

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