Example sentences for: dip

How can you use “dip” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Both the NYT and Wall Street Journal run front-page pieces saying that the recent dip in the national savings rate isn't necessarily bad.

  • (Long and strong, quite a dip in the middle: Not only is it misty, but the sea is making too!)

  • Even before the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 6 percent last week, market watchers were anticipating a dip in the market--the so-called "October curse."

  • You can also have a dip in the semi-natural pools at Porto Moniz on the extreme northwest tip of the island.

  • Not one employed journalist in 100 has even heard of this ghastly double dip or experienced the surge of fury I felt when I called up the Authors' League in 1987 to ask why they weren't screaming about it.

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