Example sentences for: dichotomies

How can you use “dichotomies” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • C. Hidden Dichotomies

  • To understand the revolution, you need to grasp two related dichotomies.

  • Like all dichotomies, Apollonian vs.

  • However, as even the British spell this word the US way now, the best examples of current US/non-US dichotomies in the use of the digraphs can be gleaned from the world of medicine and science, as in gynœcology/gynecology, hœmatology/hematology, œsophagus/esophagus, œstrogen/ estrogen, cœsium/cesium, œdema/edema, œstrus/estrus, pœdiatrics/pediatrics .

  • Anything for the Reader Who Enjoys Meaningless Dichotomies?

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