Example sentences for: diaphragms

How can you use “diaphragms” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The mean percentage compositions of mRNA representing each MHC isoform in the diaphragms of emphysematous and control animals are listed in Table 1. Note that there was a significant decrease in the expression of MHC IIb in emphysematous versus control.

  • Despite the demonstration of length adaptation [ 1 2 3 4 6 ] and fatigue resistance [ 2 3 6 ] in the diaphragms of emphysematous hamsters, not until very recently could a change in fiber type distribution be demonstrated [ 10 ] , and in that study histochemical classification was employed that could not separate out IIx from IIb fibers.

  • Our finding in the diaphragms of rats with emphysema is very similar to that demonstrated by Sugiura et al.

  • in the diaphragms of chronically swimming rats [ 28 ] . We found IIb mRNA expression to decrease by 31% and IIb MHC-determined fiber type to decrease by 35% in emphysema.

  • In contrast, fiber type has generally not been found to be significantly altered in the diaphragms of emphysematous animals [ 1 2 3 8 ] , although in all reports addressing this issue the fibers were typed histochemically rather than by myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition.

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