Example sentences for: diaphragm

How can you use “diaphragm” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Our results for MHC expression in rat diaphragm from normal and emphysematous rats must be viewed first in the light of previous quantitative studies of MHC expression in normal rat diaphragm that used techniques able to separate out all known isoforms.

  • [ 28 ] found IIb MHC to represent 6.1% of all MHC protein in young rat diaphragm, and their IId/IIx result of 44.

  • Figure 2shows a typical panel from serial sections of one of the emphysematous diaphragm specimens stained with each of the monoclonal antibodies.

  • Further, diaphragmatic fatigue might be related to SERCA function [ 49 ] and, as discussed above, our emphysematous animals showed decreased diaphragm strip fatigability.

  • The results of the diaphragm strip physiological studies are detailed in Table 3. It is notable that the physiological parameters that have previously been most strongly correlated with a shift to slower MHC isoforms (time to peak tension, and fatiguing characteristics) were significantly altered in the expected direction in the emphysematous versus control diaphragm strips.

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