Example sentences for: dextran

How can you use “dextran” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Guidelines for the management of severe sepsis are probably most applicable for certain treatment modalities, such as PACs, albumin, dextran, and hetastarch.

  • Absence of dextran sulfate resulted in background problems and at a concentration of 20% sensitivity was significantly reduced.

  • These lateral mutations did not interfere with GTPase nor with assembly of protofilaments, and surprisingly showed mostly normal assembly in DEAE dextran.

  • The fluoresecent dextran was introduced into the cytoplasm of cells expressing NLS-GFP and GFP-Myosin II by electroporation.

  • However, none of these lateral mutations seemed to affect the assembly of sheets in vitro - sheets assembled normally in both DEAE dextran and calcium, and tube assembly was also mostly normal.

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