Example sentences for: desires

How can you use “desires” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Such a policy rarely maximizes profits; the manufacturer stocks out, thereby losing the margin on the sale, and the retailer, which typically desires a consistent (or at least predictable) order-fill rate across items in a product group, is unhappy.

  • One corrido, “Mi Micaela,” hides the word mica in a woman’s name Micaela, but the first line gives it away: “Tú eres mi Mica, Mica, mi Micaela, Tú representas todo lo que mi alma anhela” (You are my Mica, Mica, my Micaela, You represent all that my soul desires).

  • ..I believe he is in trouble with the world because he desires to represent Christ well in the task to which he has been called."

  • In an age of open and (ostensibly) frugal public administration, the Secret Service is an anomaly, an agency that operates with nearly as much secrecy as the CIA and spends almost as freely as its heart desires.

  • A piece cites new evidence that Sigmund Freud was right about dreams expressing unconscious desires.

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