Example sentences for: designers

How can you use “designers” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As stores merge, buyers for titans such as Saks change the course of fashion by telling designers what sells and demanding practical adjustments to runway designs.

  • Its raison d'être is to publish board games by unknown designers or on "niche" subjects (they have a board game depicting the struggle between Peru's government and the Sendero Luminoso).

  • Unlike fashion magazine editors, she doesn't accept freebies from designers in exchange for product placement.

  • Brown's successor at The New Yorker , David Remnick, is criticized for being "weak on the buzz factor," "sheepish" about courting fashion designers, and addicted to "earnest seriousness."

  • A close second to home furnishings in the minds of many Barcelonans is fashion design, and several important Catalan and Spanish designers have shops in Barcelona.

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