Example sentences for: dementia

How can you use “dementia” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Physicians now commonly advise older adults to engage in mentally stimulating activity as a way of reducing their risk of dementia.

  • The definition of dementia has changed often since it was used by Richard Cosin in 1592, and it will continue to change as new information becomes available.

  • Maintained consciousness is accepted by modern authors as necessary to the definition, but nothing is said here of the cerebral origin of dementia, its organic nature, or its degree of permanence.

  • HIV-1 infection can cause extensive neuronal loss and clinically, a severe dementia.

  • This finding is in line with the literature, which suggests that individuals who have cognitive deficits are at greater risk for exhibiting behavioral problems in long-term and other non-acute settings [ 24 ] . Investigators have found lower MMSE scores at admission predictive of functional decline following acute medical illness and hospitalization [ 26 ] . Additionally, cognitive impairment is associated with the development of delirium during hospitalization, which in turn, can result in a variety of behavioral problems [ 27 ] . However, in these studies, patients usually had cognitive impairment indicative of dementia, whereas the current study suggests that among hospitalized elderly, a MMSE score of less than 27 places a patient at increased risk of behavioral problems.

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