Example sentences for: demented

How can you use “demented” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Phillip Noyce, the director, and Dean Semler, the cinematographer, cook up some eerily muzzy images inside the brackish tunnels and abandoned warehouses where the fiend does his/her demented surgery.

  • Another sheet of grandiose, lunatic jottings ends with the demented scrawl: "This page is the highest vAlue assigNMent/ tasK/ qua of 1993."

  • I felt like an Apache contemplating the last anti-Semitic buffalo, sad and scraggly and demented.

  • Rather than dismiss the shooter as a cold-blooded killer, Bush called him a "sick person" who must be "demented."

  • If only you had the slightest notion of how demented the idea of Microsoft pushing the Internet is.

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