Example sentences for: dembosky

How can you use “dembosky” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Finally, contrary to what Besharov and Dembosky convey, the NIS-3 report does not "blithely call for more" reporting.

  • The NIS-3 findings may run counter to his position, but it is important for Besharov and Dembosky, and for readers of Slate, to get the facts straight.

  • Second, Besharov and Dembosky misrepresented the NIS methodology for classifying the severity of injury or harm.

  • If Besharov and Dembosky want to discount both increments by appealing to the same process (enhanced sensitivity) then they need to explain (1) why this process applied discontinuously in the NIS-3 and did not affect the intervening category of moderate injury or harm, and (2) how the NIS-2 respondents managed to overlook three-fourths of the children who had been seriously injured while at the same time evidencing greater sensitivity in identifying moderately injured children.

  • I agree with the overarching point of Douglas J. Besharov and Jacob W. Dembosky's article, "Child Abuse: Threat or Menace?"

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