Example sentences for: deficiency

How can you use “deficiency” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It has been reported before that an increased excretion of orotate in sick children may not be uncommon and that a positive allopurinol load test may indicate unrecognized mitochondrial disease, making orotic acid as a potential marker of mitochondrial dysfunction [ 35 ] . A potential link between mitochondrial cytopathies and urea cycle dysfunction has also been suggested by the findings of hypocitrullinemia in patients with neurogenic weakness, ataxia and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP) syndrome (Mendelian Inheritance in Man database *551500) caused by a T8993G mutation in mtDNA that triggers ATPase deficiency [ 36 37 ] . It was hypothesized that the NARP mutation would cause complex V deficiency in the small intestine as well, thus reducing the availability of mitochondrial ATP required for citrulline synthesis.

  • 1.18) deficiency has a relatively benign clinical course including speech delay and macrochephaly; type II 3-MGC aciduria (Barth syndrome) (Mendelian Inheritance in Man database *302060) has a clinical picture that includes cardiomyopathy, recurrent infections, neutropenia, short stature and normal cognitive function and is caused by mutations in the tafazzin gene (G4.

  • Although most current administrative systems include time lags that diminish their utility, the development of on-line transaction processing between clinicians and payers may reduce or eliminate that deficiency.

  • Normal levels of labeled intermediates were observed from C16 to C4 without evidence for translocase deficiency or any other type of fatty acid oxidation disorder.

  • Some reports suggest that IgA deficiency segregates with a HLA haplotype(s) containing A*01, B*08 in some families [ 4 5 6 19 20 ] . Thus, we analyzed the frequencies of the haplotype A*01-B*08 in the present index patients grouped according to presence of normal or subnormal pre-treatment serum concentrations of IgG, IgA, and IgM, respectively.

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