Example sentences for: default

How can you use “default” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Although the fit is very good for the exact data using this default smoothing parameter, a better (nearly perfect) fit to the model rate is obtained (not shown) using a smaller (1/10) smoothing parameter.

  • Expressing this variance as a percentage of "Diff Calls" between the two regions of the same biopsy, as determined by Affymetrix default algorithms, we found considerable variability in the similarity of profiles, with values ranging from 1.5% to 18% of the 4,601 probe sets studied (4.

  • The statistical algorithms of Microarray Suite 5.0 were used with the default parameters to generate signals, ratios of signals between two arrays, and P detection values.

  • a mortgage which has been recast or modified to cure the default, but where repooling of the loan is not possible.

  • Other parameters were taken as default, and under these conditions typically 5 distinct motifs were fit.

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