Example sentences for: deadly

How can you use “deadly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They were making a deadly statement against the American dream, of respectable, middle-class, suburban life.

  • The campaign has grown so successful that Americans now think cigarettes are more deadly than they really are.

  • If opponents of gun control don't recognize soon how the emerging prominence of kids and explosives is transforming the nation's image of deadly weapons, Clinton may succeed in reshaping the debate and turning the political tide against guns.

  • The NYT and LAT fronts report that Planned Parenthood and several doctors have brought a private federal civil suit against the proprietors of an anti-abortion Web site that suggests abortion providers are like Nazis and groups the names and faces of some doctors providing the procedure on a Wanted Poster-style list it calls the "Deadly Dozen."

  • The WP runs a piece inside reporting that according to Russian sources, Russian intelligence agents have, for the past several years, quietly recruited scientists to go to Iran and teach their Iranian counterparts how to build missiles to carry deadly payloads as far as 1,200 miles.

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