Example sentences for: deadpan

How can you use “deadpan” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The article, though, did have one memorable bit of deadpan humor.

  • Like other blockbusters, it may suffer from a "perilously thin" plot (Anthony Lane, The New Yorker ), but that's "the least important thing" about the movie ( Newsweek ). Instead, reviewers revel in its deadpan humor, stylish costumes, and comic performances, particularly that of Tommy Lee Jones--"registering levels of cool that would cause most actors to snap in half" (Lane).

  • By the end, Lester is mouthing the same sentiments and has acquired the same deadpan radiance.

  • Its deadpan attitude and traditional plot--thieves heist jewelry and then double-cross one another--are said to hark back to classic film noir.

  • These monochrome "accumulations," as repetitively patterned as the infinity nets, have a deadpan wit quite different from Claes Oldenburg's squishily theatrical hamburgers and lipsticks, with which they were sometimes shown in early Pop Art exhibitions.

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